Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Cell Phones in Cars

If you took a survey about how many people are against using your phone while driving the number of people against it would be sky high. When you are in a car with your phone in your hand texting or calling you are loosing that hand. Without that hand you don't have it to help control the car. I would ban it because driving and using a phone is not smart. People that use their phone and drive don't use their mind to figure out the risk that they would be running and could kill someone. I think if a person needs to use their phone they could pull over to the side and then use it.

Friday, April 24, 2009

This is a picture I like because it is a V.E. flag.


Today we have to talk about Slang words. The pros are when you are talking you can shorten the conversation, you may not get in trouble if you say a slang word to a teacher that doesn't know what the meaning. There are cons though. If you say something to one person, you may think they don't know what it means, but they do it could be rude in their eyes. I think people use this language because say they are talking to a person they may dislike using slang can help them finish and move on. I am one who will use slang but not in a rude way. People can just start saying the whole word so no one will find it hurtful.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Earth Day

My family doesn't do much for Earth Day even though we should. One thing we do is we save all our grocery bags and use them over and over until they cant be used any more. We also turn out the lights in a room if we are not in there. During the day we open windows to let the sun light our house. When we brush our teeth we shut off the water, every little bit helps. My family likes to drive to the places we need to go. Since our town is small most of the fun places are out of town and are not easily accessed. My family could start walking or riding our bikes to our destinations. I think we could also take up recycling again. This year my family will start taking care of the earth because it is our home. When I get a car I want it to be a hybrid. That will save a lot of money, trees, gas, and much more. What are you going to do for Earth Day?

Monday, April 20, 2009

My amazing field trip

On Thursday (April 16th) and Friday (April 17th) I went on a field trip with my 8th grade class. I had soooooooo much fun. On Thursday we left school and went to the zoo. We were there for a few hours. It was raining all day and cold but since I dressed OK it wasn't too bad. My favorite part was getting ice cream. Toward the end of our day at the zoo there was like no one there. I really liked the photo scavenger hunt my team did. At about 4 we left and went to the aquarium. After we put our things down we went to the gift shop and then to dinner. They have some amazing food. Then we went back to the room with our things and got ready to go look around. They have this exhibit called Flash Flood and they have water fall down really hard and then it hits the glass and splashes over. My friend and I stood there 27 times. We got drenched but didn't think we were wet enough so we went and put our head in a waterfall thing. After having snack and doing a few activities it was time for bed. We got our things upstairs and set-up. We slept in front of the sharks. Some boys were mad because we got to sleep with the large sharks and they had small sharks. Then we woke up the next day and went to breakfast and that was good. After breakfast was all cleaned up we went and fed the fish and went to watch their tiger Huron. I got some really cool pictures of him on my phone. Since the weather was bad we went back to school. There we did a few things. Then my mom showed up and we went out to my grandma's to clean. After we were done there we went to lunch ad then headed to pick up my friend. Then we went to the mall. When we were done there we took her home and then I went home. The day was so long and I was tired when I got home I fell asleep.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Fire Pictures

I made these pictures because the assignment in class was to make a fire picture. In photo-shop I opened the picture I wanted then I took the lasso tool and made a fire area. Then I went and added clouds. Then I added color in the gradient map. Then I added wind. Then I liquified and saved. Now you get to see my wonderful artwork.

Friday, April 10, 2009

If I had $5000....

I know if I had $5000 I would donate $3000 of it to a local animal shelter. I love animals so I would feel great being able to help them. With the other $2000 I would put it in my bank and save it for college. I want to be an Animal Cop so college is needed. If anything happened between now and college I would have that little bit of extra money to use. That is what I would do with $5000.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Maybe V.E.

As many of you know V.E. is the flag team for the marching band. Last night my older brother came to me and told me the V.E. was begging him to ask me to join them next year. When he asked I said ok I will try. So now I am preparing for the try-out's on Monday, Wendsday, and Thursday. In order to audition you have to have a dance and do a little bit of running. I am excited to maybe be working with my brother.

Monday, April 6, 2009

What I admire most about my parents

My mom will let me do just about anything I want to do. Even though there are things out there I know she would let me do I use my better judgement and I don't. I like that about her because she knows I will do the right thing and so she trusts me. I know she loves me by doing this. She is trying to teach me to trust my decisions. I also like the way she will leave me alone if something is bothering me that I don't want to talk about but that when I do want to talk she will be there. I love the way she is always willing to help with homework and help figure out a way for me to remember how to do it.

My dad is not as flexible as my mom. He trusts me but he wont let me get away with just anything. I like that because then I know he loves me and wants me to be safe. I love when I get to go to work with him because since he lives in Utah I don't get to see him much and so I value the time we get to spend together. I also like when he is at home and he will sit down with my step-mom and I and play games.

My step-mom (Chlorissa) is as close to me as my real mom. I love her just for being there when I feel I have nowhere else to go. I also like that she will help make the arangements for me to go out and visit. Like my dad I like it when she will play games with me. I know she loves me because she will always be there to keep me safe.