Sunday, January 23, 2011


There is one person that I have not seen in a few months that I miss. I miss talking to them, haning out with them, etc. Yes we do talk every once in a while but not like we used too. Now it seems they get annoyed talking to old friends now that they have new ones. This person is the kindest, sweetest, best person you can have for a best friend and I am glad I still consider them my best freind. I miss some of my friends from Utah too. I find it funny that I talk to the friends that are 800+ miles away more than my best friend that only lives minutes away. I know it could be because my friends in Utah dont see me as much but with how long it has been since I have seen my best friend they have seen me more. Well enough with that. On a more positive note another one of my best friends, Lindsay, just got engaged yesterday and I am sooo happy for her. Her fiance is another really kind person. He is my friend too. If this post is confusing sorry I am a confusing person.

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