Thursday, January 27, 2011


Ita amazing how so many things can get you down but theres always that one person or group of people that always raise your spirits. Now to go off topic. This week my friend got engaged and my sister found out she is pregnant. So far the saying "when everything goes wrong that means somthing great is going to follow" has proven true. This has been an AMAZING week. I dont know what made it so great it just was, and its not over. I love how my french teacher says she is fluent in English but everytime a student syas somethin like "thats crazy! There is no way I would ever do somethin as idiotic as that!" she gets upset and asks us not to say words she doesnt know. AND because its her first year teaching in America she doesnt know how to control the students. She treats us like the class she taught in France before she moved to the U.S. We talk and goof off the whole class its great!

Monday, January 24, 2011

shorest blog that will ever be on my blog



This is going to be a weird blog. Really it will have no meaning and will cover many things. The topics will be changing A LOT. Hmmm...what to start with? Annoying people. Im not talking about the ones that just come up and start talking to you and you wish they would leave, or your little brother or sister. Im talking about those that are adults and are supposed to act mature but act like they are 5. Unless there is a reason for them to be acting that way I think they need to start acting their age. You get to be a certain age once and if you screwed it up you cant relive it and if you think you can you should seriously consider seeing a theripist (they will tell you you cant or will checkto see if you have a mental illness). My uncle has a mental illness. He is 22 and acts 7. He is one of the nicest people youd ever meet too. My whole family is that way, every single person is great. They all care and watch each others backs. I love my family even though half the time I cant stand them and just wanna leave. I despise my little brother. He may be the only person in our family that is oober self centered. He is 14 and acts like hes 14 at times other times he acts like hes 3. Its really bad when he wants something and hes told he cant have it. You have to love your family but you dont have to like them. Your family and friends are what support you most in this world. Your friend always have your back. At least mine do. I knew who my true friends are and who are fakes. My true friends are the best and I love them. I also love the fact that they will always be there for me just like I will always be there for them.

Only 3 topics: annoying people, family, and friends. Well I would of wrote about more but I have to go to school so bye!

Sunday, January 23, 2011


There is one person that I have not seen in a few months that I miss. I miss talking to them, haning out with them, etc. Yes we do talk every once in a while but not like we used too. Now it seems they get annoyed talking to old friends now that they have new ones. This person is the kindest, sweetest, best person you can have for a best friend and I am glad I still consider them my best freind. I miss some of my friends from Utah too. I find it funny that I talk to the friends that are 800+ miles away more than my best friend that only lives minutes away. I know it could be because my friends in Utah dont see me as much but with how long it has been since I have seen my best friend they have seen me more. Well enough with that. On a more positive note another one of my best friends, Lindsay, just got engaged yesterday and I am sooo happy for her. Her fiance is another really kind person. He is my friend too. If this post is confusing sorry I am a confusing person.

Friday, January 21, 2011

New Year

Yes 2011 started 21 days ago but Im just now going to write about it. I started out the year thing great another year more will die more will be born but life must go on. That has proven true. In one week my family has suffered the loss of 3 people. Tyler, who died because he was born 4 months early and was not fully developed, Randy, who was found in a bush, and Hilda who died from cancer. Its sad but its life. At least they are not suffering any more. I hope the rest of this year is as good as this week!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Hmmmmmm been forever since I have written anything. Now what to say what to say. Well......I had to go to school and that was sooo much fun . When I got home from school my rabbit got out of his cage and came over to me and was really annoyin so I locked him back up. I went to the basketball game then came home. This week is going to be stressful so i wont write again for a while but thats ok I wont be missed anyway.