Friday, May 22, 2009

What to write about....

Today we have a few choices to write about but none of them are really that good. Hmmmm...... Well I know I will probably fail finals, and I really don't know what life would be like if I was a twin, so I guess that I will talk about the Nuggets. Well I don't watch basketball, and I am not a fan of them. I am glad they one last night though. All of my favorite teams are not from Colorado for any sport so the Nuggets are doing OK. To me they could be better but idk to some people they are doing amazing and I really do not care.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Summer plans

Before too long school will be out and I will be loving the time I get to relax. The day after school gets out I have to get to the airport to fly to my dads. I am super excited. When we (my older brother and me) are there Chlorissa (my step mom) and I will be hosting two birthdays. One for my dad and one for my brother. My brother will be turning 16 so his might be the funnest. I wish I could get to see my sister on her birthday but her mom is strict. Then when I get back my moms side of the family will be coming to visit. That should be fun. While all this is going on I will also have to work. Let me tell you I am jumping for joy.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Exploding Planet

I would have posted this last time but the Internet was having issues so I couldn't. This is my exploding planet it is amazing and has all my favorite colors in it. It was not the hardest or easiest thing to make. This is planet Huroshagga.

A person who inspires me

There are many people I look up to but Martin Luther King Jr is one of my favorite. He has inspired me in many ways. I loved how he fought for African Americans independence. Most of my hero's are African Americans and he inspired me the most because he didn't care how much he was beat or how many times he was put in jail he was not going to stop fighting until blacks got their independence or until he died. I am glad he did this because then today I would not have some of the friends I have because they would have to go to a different school. He has showed me to never stop fighting for what is right.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


OK for most teens they hate school but for me school is one of my favorite things. I still look forward to summer break but if I don't have a really good book to read I will be ready to be back in school a few weeks later. This year I had a few things I disliked though. I really did not like all the drama that happened between my friends and the dean always riding your back about little things. I also had a few things I loved but I cant narrow it down to just one. I enjoyed making friends with the new students, building rockets in science, this year I was actually able to understand math because of the way the math teacher taught. I also loved how being in 8th grade you get a couple of the high school workers to come and talk to you about high school, I was able to choose my classes and join the color guard. School is fun but only if you let it be.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Cool lines

I made this picture a few weeks ago but figured you might want to see it because it is just that cool. This one is the cool lines.

Photoshop Day

I find photoshop days fun because I can create some wonderful masterpieces. This one is a poster or a flyer which ever one you choose. Today the class was doing smashed photo but since I already did that I chose to do this.

Monday, May 4, 2009

The Day My Space Chimp Was Discovered

It all started in 1989 when I was sitting at home watching “Mork and Mindy” when all of a sudden there was a loud explosion outside. I jumped up from the couch. When I got out to my back yard all I saw was charcoal black smoke and grass flying everywhere. The smell burned my nose and made my eyes water. Before too long everything was back to normal…Well pretty much back to normal there was just a lot of grass missing and a huge spaceship in its place but that’s not unusual. As I turned to go back inside (I was going to call NASA) the shuttle opened! I was preparing myself for what was about to happen when out came a three foot chimpanzee. I started to laugh I thought I was dreaming. I was not when I pinched myself it hurt a lot. I wanted to run away but my feet were pulling me closer to this UCO (Unidentified Crashed Object.) I got to the thing and the Chimp told me his name, “My name is Davis. I come here from Planet Huroshagga. Please do not be afraid.” I stepped back and invited him into my yard. About thee week’s later Davis and I were becoming close friends. Davis learned my name and was now opening up to me and telling me all about him and why he left his home. “I come from a long line of royalty but my mother was not in love with the man her parents set her up with. Where I come from royalty have arranged marriages. When she was out in town she ran into a poor ripped up chimp and fell in love. That ripped up poor chimp is my father. Mom’s parents were so mad that they kicked her out. I was always a curious chimp and so I left late one night and went to find my evil grandparents. When I returned my parents were waiting. I started to tell them what I was doing but they didn’t want to hear it. My dad was really mad at me, and I didn’t know what to do, so I loaded my ship and left.” I was so out of it I didn’t hear the knock at my door. When I finally did I got up and looked through my peephole. I had to find a place to hide Davis because it was the BNASA(Bad NASA.) I took him to my hidden room and locked him up in there. After I made it clear to him that he needed to be quite I went into my room and made it look like I was sleeping. “Hello what can I do for you?” I asked when I answered the door. “Are you Milly?” they asked. I nodded. “We hear you are harboring an illegal alien that could be dangerous. Can we come in and take a look?” When they were searching near the room I became real nervous but did my best not to let it show. When they started to leave Davis came out and started to freak out. They ran toward him but I stopped them. I was sad that I had nothing I could do to save him now, I made him a promise and I will keep it. I told the BNASA that he would be leaving tomorrow to go back to Huroshagga. To this day though he still lives in that little room, and I still live there protecting him and keeping my life long promise.

What you just read was a fictional story.